Friday, July 18, 2008

Day 11

Good morning blog readers! I have a new buddy on SP for weigh ins and accountability. She sent me an email and asked if I wanted a friend and I'm all for that! Any little "extra push" to get me to my goal and help someone to theirs is a good thing. It's just a bonus that she's a Red Sox fan too. WooHoo!!!

Today is our first official "what did ya lose (or eek gain) this week" day. I'm happy to say that according to the home scale I have dropped 4 lbs since Tuesday. I'd hopped on it just to see what it said. I am really looking forward to getting on my gym scale next Tuesday now.

I did make the choice to have leftovers at breakfast. It fits in my day though and won't mess me up so I'm not going to feel guilty. It wasn't a spur of the moment "need" either... I really thought before getting it. I paired it with a yummy but low cal fruit.

Breakfast - 1 slice mushroom pizza and 1/2 c strawberries

Workout - 15 min BL Cardio Max (175 cals *estimated)

Lunch - turkey on whole wheat, 1/4 c peas, 2 pineapple rings

I got to work in a trip to the gym because D got home early. I only had a little time but it felt good to go. I am actually starting to "crave" it. Weird!

Workout - 18 mins elliptical (190 cals)

Snack - Zone Perfect Bar

Dinner - 3oz grilled chicken, big salad with kraft free Italian

Snack - banana and smartfood

Man oh man I saw I was low on calories so I tried to fit in some stuff after dinner but I'm still going to end up under. I just can't eat anything else today. Mt fat and carb intake are below minimum too but just barely. Amazing since I had pizza for breakfast! lol

Total Calories: 1193

1 comment:

Tiara said...

Congrats on the loss!

I've found I like the more personal feel to my blog when I share about my day and family. I hope you enjoy reading the extra stuff too. It keeps it from having that stale feel of calorie figures and counting beads of sweat through my journey.