Monday, July 14, 2008

Day 7

Woke up late - don't even think the alarm went off. D got E ready for school while I changed into gym clothes. I dropped E off and went right to the gym. When I got home I had breakfast and my mom and her BF showed up. My mom was giving me attitude while I was doing a favor for her. Then D gave me one. Whatever.

Workout - 45 mins elliptical (457 cals)

Breakfast - 2 eggs, 1 slice whole wheat toast dry, 1/2 cubed cantaloupe

Lunch - 6" Subway bacon and lettuce on wheat, apple slices and 2oz BBQ chips

Snack - 2oz BBQ chips

Egads I didn't resist the chips. I was fine til I had to take them away from the kids. Then they taunted me. At least they're gone now! This is 100% why I don't buy them.

Dinner - 3oz chicken breast, 1/2 c mashed potatoes, 1/3 c corn and 1/8 c peas

Snacks - 2 cheese sandwich on whole wheat and a PB sandwich on whole wheat plus some graham crackers

Total Calories: 1941

Not a good day, not at all! ::sigh::

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I've found I like the more personal feel to my blog when I share about my day and family. I hope you enjoy reading the extra stuff too. It keeps it from having that stale feel of calorie figures and counting beads of sweat through my journey.