Thursday, July 24, 2008

Day 17

Grocery shopping day! Horray for better options on hand. Right after I drop E off I will go right to the store with my 3 boys - which should be fun - and get that done.

After we pick her up we might have lunch and go to the library or something. We haven't done anything fun all week. We had to stop going to the free tues/wed movies because we had to leave early to pick E up. We'll go again in August when her school is out. And we'll probably skip the pool today due to rain or thunder storms. This rain is a real drag!

Breakfast - waffle with 1/2 tbsp PB and 1/2 banana

Just got in from grocery shopping. Totally forgot the ground beef. Tonights dinner? Meatball subs. I'll have to make a trip to get some later on. I remembered the rolls and sauce though. ;o)

Snack - 1/2 oz sunflower seeds and a peach

I'm now dry and changed into gym clothes. I got absolutely soaked to the bone when I picked E up at school. The rain had let up a little as I pulled into the parking lot then suddenly it just opened right back up. I tried to hide under her princess umbrella but all that did was keep my head and arms dry. lol

Lunch - breaded chicken tenderloin, mashed potatoes and peas

Drenched again. This is getting not funny. lol Picture it - 3 minutes left on the elliptical and I see a nasty black cloud move over head. I finish my session just in time for heavy downpours and strong winds. I tried to hug the side of the building in hopes it would die down. HA I was getting wet there! So I ran to my car. When I got in I was dripping wet. Good times I tell ya.

Apparently a tornado hit north of here. We're not used to that kind of thing in New England. Usually we only deal with blizzards and hurricanes. Wild weather - seriously wild! If you're interested the NH weather channel/site is

Workout - 60 mins elliptical (623 cals)

Snack - Zone Perfect Bar

Skipped the meatballs sub idea and I was ok with that. I made one of my favorites. So yummy and filling!

Dinner - 3oz chicken breast with 1/4 c sauce and 1/ c mozzarella, 2oz whole wheat pasta with sauce and salad with kraft free Italian

Snack - 2 pieces leftover chicken from lunch

Total Calories: 1556

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I've found I like the more personal feel to my blog when I share about my day and family. I hope you enjoy reading the extra stuff too. It keeps it from having that stale feel of calorie figures and counting beads of sweat through my journey.