Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Day 16

Breakfast - banana, 1oz cheddar, 2 whole wheat toast

Snack - pasta bake, apple

Lunch -
stuffed pepper

Snack - 2 PB on light hot dog rolls, 2 granola bars

I knew having a carbs at snack time would do it to me again, yet i keep making the SAME mistake! Oh well. As long as I stick with a sensible dinner I won't go over my max cals. My days are just rotten when I don't have them planned. I sat and made my menu for the week just now. I can't afford bad days like this.

Workout - 60 mins on elliptical (618 cals)

Didn't make it shopping yet today so I got the family Dominos. I however will not be eating that once it arrives. I will be having something that won't make my calorie count skyrocket.

Dinner - Stouffer's Baked chicken and mashed potatoes, cup veg soup

Total Calories: 1780

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I've found I like the more personal feel to my blog when I share about my day and family. I hope you enjoy reading the extra stuff too. It keeps it from having that stale feel of calorie figures and counting beads of sweat through my journey.