Friday, August 1, 2008

Day 25

By some chance of a miracle I haven't gained this week. I guess all the constant moving at VBS from 5-8:30 assisted in that. Tonight is our last night. I found out dinner is sandwiches and chips. At least I can figure this in before hand and work around it. I also have no appts between D getting home from work and leaving for VBS so I intend to fit in a trip to the gym.

Breakfast - 2 eggs, 2 whole wheat toast, 2 rings pineapple

Lunch - BLT on whole wheat with a cup of veg barley soup

Dinner - 1.5 ham and cheese, 1/2 PB+J, chips, a pickle and jell-o

Total Calories: 1592

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I've found I like the more personal feel to my blog when I share about my day and family. I hope you enjoy reading the extra stuff too. It keeps it from having that stale feel of calorie figures and counting beads of sweat through my journey.